This market will resolve to YES if Nintendo's next generation system is revealed by Nintendo before January 31st, 2025 at 11:59PM PST.
A reveal will be defined as a major announcement that shows official imagery or render of the new system and an official name. Anything remotely resembling the original Switch's reveal trailer would qualify, but something such as a social media posting showing a visual of the system and its name would resolve to YES as well.
There are other markets covering this, but this market serves the purpose of a higher liquidity YES/NO.
@SirSalty At least as I wrote the criteria, this would not resolve to YES: "official imagery or render of the new system and an official name" -- emphasis on AND. JKS has the right idea.
As for zoomed in parts and not the entire system, I guess it would need to resolve to YES if the name is announced on a technicality, even if that maybe isn't the true spirit of the rules.